For good or for ill, the United Kingdom has decided to choose a different path and I just wanted to point something out about that.

For over a thousand years, this is what these islands have done, we have been the world’s mavericks. From the days of the Yorkists, through the Tudors, the Plantagenets, the Victorian era, Britain has always done its own thing. There has always been an air of daring to that no other country has shown. A rebelliousness, a sense of pride and defiance. A swagger, as shown during the 60s and 70s when the UK was the shining capital of the world, before we joined the EEC. We’ve always dared to be different and now we’re changing the world politically. The UK has never been scared to stick its middle finger up to the rest of the world.

No one can break Britain. We will be okay. Don’t be afraid of the future. Xenophobia will never win out over peace and love. If we all aspire to be the best we can be, and to make everyone around us better, and we pull together as a country, Britain can, and will, be Great again.

To the rest of Europe, the British do not hate you. We are actually rather fond of many of you. We admire the style and flair of the French, the congeniality of the Dutch, the Belgian skills at making delicious chocolate and waffles, the competitiveness of the Germans, the love for family that the Italians display, the Spanish way of being hot and cool at the same time. As a nation, we grew up alongside you. We’ve fought and squabbled with you. We’ve shed blood against each other, and for each other. We’ve cared for each other when times are hard.

The British do not think we are better than Europe. We don’t think we are superior. We don’t dislike you.

But there is a genuine feeling amongst most British people, mostly English, that Europe doesn’t like us. Why that is, we don’t know. I have lots of foreign friends, several of whom I write to and I have never felt any anti-English sentiment from them, so I don’t know why that feeling abounds in this country, but the fact remains that it does. But even then, that isn’t why the UK has voted to leave.

The reason that so many people feel that our laws and sovereignty is being lost. The problem with immigration here is frightening people. Our population has swelled by over a million people and looks set to rise by another half a million people this year. We don’t have the houses, the schools, or the hospitals, or the transport infrastructure to handle it and the populace are feeling the pressure. I believe that other, far larger (geographically) European countries are suffering from the same problem. But most of all, the government that took over six years ago have turned their back on the common Briton. They turned away to face the Big Businessmen, the Bureaucrats, the Bankers and the Briton was left behind to bear the brunt of their decisions.

The Leave vote is rooted in the working-class Briton wanting to kick the establishment. This is a vote AGAINST politics with compassion, and a vote FOR democracy.

Please don’t be offended by it, Europe. We love you and we always will. We just need change, and Britain has always been a country that has seen itself as brave enough to risk it. Perhaps others will follow. We shall see.

My message is as it has always been. Spread peace and love where ever you go. That will do more good than any political vote ever will.

God bless us and everyone.